Darwen Trials Club - Affiliated to the NWC ACU Ltd and the AMCA
As we are currently operating our events under AMCA permits, there is no necessity to become a member.
Getting an AMCA licence
Although there is no requirement from the AMCA to have a licence, it does save the club money if you have a licence and enter our events. To register for an AMCA Trials Licence, visit their website - click here
ACU Trials Registration
To enter a trial being run under an ACU permit, a rider must have an ACU Trials registration. To register with the ACU, visit their website - click here
If you wish to name Darwen Trials as your ACU-affiliated club, take the following steps:
- Login to your ACU account
- Click on Members - left side of page, then your name in the main panel
- Click on Club & Team Affiliations, then Add Club and Team Affiliation
- Click on Club Membership - +Add
- You should see a panel which is a Welcome Message - read it, click Next
- You should see a panel which says Club and Team Affiliation Details - read it, select Club Membership - Approval, click Next
- Select Darwen MC & CC - click next
- Confirm that you are happy for the club to see your details
- You should a a message which indicates that your membership is Pending Approval
- You may need to contact Ben Butterworth click here to confirm your membership
And that's all there is to it. If you wish to register for a Trials Regstration (licence) there are more hoops to jump through