This year's AGM took place on Wednesday, 15th November at the Fisherman's Retreat, Ramsbottom and was attended by eight members.
The following officials were appointed for the coming year:
Chairman - Steve Collinson, Vice-Chairman - Martin Jackson, Treasurer - Steve Collinson, Trials Secretary - Alex Sykes, Membership Secretary - Ian Capper, Publicity Secretary - Barry Sanderson, Observer Organiser - Chris Chew.
Chairman Steve Collinson presented a report for the past year and expressed his thanks to all sponsors, landowners, riders, observers and other helpers for their support. Over a thousand competition rides had taken place during Darwen trials this year as well as a very successful training day. Financially, the club was in an improved position with a healthy balance in the bank. ACU fees amounting to £4822 had also been paid and a donation of £217 would be forwarded to the Christie Charity.
Membership Secretary Ian Capper reported that the membership was slightly lower than in previous years and currently stands at 270 - a fall of around 20. The membership fee for 2018 was fixed at £6 for renewal through the ACU or online via Paypal. Membership renewals at events would remain at £5 as the cost or postage and/or PayPal fees would be avoided.
Entry fees for competitions would remain at £15 for adults and £10 for youth entries.
AOB - There was some discussion of ideas for developing the club's youth membership with suggestions for occasional training sessions before club competitions. The club would welcome ideas from interested members who may be able to offer support to less experienced or younger members.